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MoD-SLAM: Monocular Dense Mapping for Unbounded 3D Scene Reconstruction

Arxiv Preprint

February 2024 · 
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Incorporating Metric Depth Learning into Neural Radiance Fields

ECBM 4040 Course Project at Columbia University

December 2023 · Lechen Zhang
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2048 Game Solver Using Expectiminimax and Alpha-Beta Pruning

COMS 4701 Artificial Intelligence Coding Assignment at Columbia University

October 2023 · Lechen Zhang
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RRT-Connect Algorithm for Manipulation Motion Planning

MECS 4603 Coding Assignment at Columbia University

October 2023 · Lechen Zhang
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RoboBIM: An Autonomous Building Information Modelling System

Bachelor Thesis Project at University of Nottingham, Supervised by Prof. Adam Rushworth

June 2022 · Lechen Zhang